CLEP Biology Exam
CLEP Biology Examination Description
The Biology examination covers material that is normally taught in a one-year school general science course. The topic tried spreads the wide field of the natural sciences, sorted out into three noteworthy zones: atomic and cell science, organismal science, and populace science.
The examination gives more or less equivalent weight to these three ranges. The examination contains pretty nearly 115 inquiries to be replied in an hour and a half. Some of these are pretest inquiries that won't be scored. At whatever time hopefuls spend on instructional exercises and giving individual data is notwithstanding the genuine testing time.
Knowledge and Skills Required for Taking CLEP Biology Examination
Questions on the Biology examination require candidates to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities.
• Understanding the means by which information is collected, how it is interpreted, how one hypothesizes from available information, how one draws conclusions and makes further predictions
• Understanding that science is a human endeavor with social consequences
• Knowledge of facts, principles, and processes of biology
The subject matter of the Biology examination is drawn from the following topics. The percentages next to the main topics indicate the approximate percentage of exam questions on that topic.
Examination Syllabus