Advanced Edu marketing Weapons for Local Tutoring Companies Cloud Business Solution
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Here is how independent online math tutors can maximize their chances of landing student leads. The...Advanced Educational Marketing Weapons for Local Tutoring Companies.
The educational Cloud Business Solution service that our company Tutoring Services, LLC provides consists of inter-combination of edu products and edu local tutoring marketing services as well as local tutoring business solution products and services.
Our Educational Marketing and Business Solutions Cloud Service consits of.
Edu Training Products that we offer
Our products are Study Guides that well sell to local tutoring agencies teaching them how to create their own local educational network, we sell these study guides for online tutoring companies and test prep companies also.
Our products is our marketing training that we provide to local tutoring companies in the form of voice recordings delivered to local tutoring agency email box.
Edu Training Service that we offer
Our service is training that we provide during 1 on 1 online lessons, helping local tutoring companies grasp marketing concepts, helping them increase their chances of getting more student leads, we also provide business solutions in the form of 1 on 1 online training for local tutoring companeis for few companies who managed to break the barrier of getting student leads (with the help of our training in edu marketing study guide) and now entering the business life cycle stage where match making tutors with students and every detail of it becomes more important.
Who is this solution not good for?
It's not good for local tutoring companies who are greedy. If you have factor of greed in you, do not proceed further reading, greed can hold you back, result of that greed can result in you waisting a lot of time and money.
Therefore if you are pondering questions such as... I don't want to pay for any service... I am doing fine on my own.... then this service is not for you....and for someone else instead, who wants to do better then you perhaps your local competitor.
Who is this solution good for?
This solution is good for any local tutoring company who has a website in their local area and want to get help in marketing, and no not from some useless marketing company, but from company that knows local tutoring match making business in and out. This solution is good for companies who want to destroy their local competitors, create their own local tutoring network and gradually increase their student leads with the help of our cloud marketing and business solution service. This cloud solution is to help you maximize your chances of making money in your journey.
The good old days of Yesterday when you can just create an app and sell it are gone...
Now, it's about helpiing creating the app, and educating people how to use it and creating business strategy for the local tutoring company business owners to help them drive more student leads and improve effectiviness of their business by leveraging solutions, that will attract not only students, but tutors as well, while helping agencies maximize their match making profits and helping them become a local hero and the leader in the small geographical region. This is exactly what this cloud educational marketing and business solution does. It helps you strategize in the right direction while also helping you take advantage of our marketing services that we offer and our tutor listing platform.
I am still confused what this solution does please explain?
To better understand what we offer, ask your self the following questions.
Do you have a way to compete against your local tutoring competitors?
Do you have a way to advertise your tutors?
Do you have a way to track your tutor hours time sheets, earnings?
Do you have a way to advertise your agency?
Do you have a way to post ads in locations where others most likely find your ad?
Do you have a way to list your tutors?
Do you have a way to differentiate your tutors?
Do you have a way to hold your tutors responsible?
Do you have a way to place your educational products if you have any... in spots where others most likely find them?
Do you have a way to create content to convince parents and students and clients that they should chose your Tutoring Services?
Do you have a way to engage students in such a way that they can respond to you while you are not in front of your computer and have virtual copies of your self selling your services across multiple local tutoring sites?
Do you have a way to develop your brand in a way that sticks out like a thumb?
Do you have a way to protect your local tutoring site from hacks?
Do you have a way to match make tutors and students in such a way that it makes actual sense to you?
Do you have a way to advertise your tutoring services on subject and exam and test prep and math related blog sites where you don't pay an arm and the leg for each ad?
Do you have a way for students and parents or other clients find your tutors using advanced search mechanisms?
Do you have a way to refresh your content automatically on your sites?
Do you have a way to create voice and video animations explaining your service to parents?
Do you have a way to post tutor jobs that it doesn't cost you arm and the leg?
Do you have a way to get students, parents and clients to sign contracts easy way?
Do you have a way to run background checks?
Do you have a way to have agents who respond on your behalf and help match take place?
Do you have a way to show clients for tutors on the map in such a way that tutors easily understand what clients they have to go to and teach?
Do you have a way to show clients in different views and format to tutor so it's clear which lesson was completed which one is remaining to be completed?
Do you have a way to get student leads?
Do you have a way to understand why one strategy doesn't work vs another?
Do you have a way to position your self in the right path from the start?
Do you have a way to understand which subjects, exams or to focus on?
Do you have a way to undersand how to diversify your service in the direction of something unique that is actually needed in your area and understand why it's needed and how?
If you have answered No to any of these questions... and perhaps many thousands of other questions.... then you would be the perfect candidate for this cloud solution service.
So wait I understand all that but what exactly is included in this cloud solution?
Here is what's included as part of the solution
In this cloud solution offering we will share with you 5 items
Each Item number that was discussed here is a a marketing weapon (and also business solution for your local tutoring company), it's up to you how you use these weapons. You can either get help from Tutoring Services, LLC and guide you in using these weapons with the help of our training sold seperately or be able to forge your own weapons, and learning how to create your own educational local tutoring network or do so on your own without training without our cloud solution and waist a lot of time and end up losing money attempting to reinvent the wheel, when the wheel was already created.
What is the purpose of our advanced edu marketing weapons?
Purpose of these weapons is to equip you local tutoring agency with the power to fight back greedy big tutoring companies who take away money from under your nose by providing students with low quality match making without providing much value in return and charging huge agency recurring fees.
The purpose of these weapons is to help you local tutoring agency dominate your competitors, and also give smaller local tutoring companies a chance for survival. Not every local tutoring company has expertise in project management, accounting, information technology, busines strategy analyst, marketing , math tutoring, Cyber Security, Information Technology, educational advocacy, education, and many other things in between
Surely there got to be a better way to track things, to do things, to execute things to help you the local tutoring company, become the true educational hero within your local community while helping you generate some revenue locally and keeping that revenue locally and create jobs.
Surely there got to be more intelligent way to strategize your self and to position your self without having to worry about your site getting hacked daily or without having to worry into investing a lot of money into software which you have 0 clue if it makes sense for you or not.
With so many companies positioned horizontally, there is lack of innovation and lack of responsibility in educational industry. There are soo many companies with useless, absolutely useless solutions that do not come close to anything what you would need, and are extremely incompatible with your business needs as the local tutoring agency. We realize that, this is why we created these weapons, to help you become more competitive. Visit our blog site to learn how we help local tutoring agencies and be prepared to be glued to the screen.
Cloud Solution Service and Product Description
Item #1 Tutor Tracking App
Pricing is based on number of tutors your company manages not sessions. Customization to reflect your tutoring agency brand for the app is provided at seperate consulting price. Prototype of the app is included FREE of charge as part of the cloud advanced edu marketing yearly membership. You can customize the app your self, we can show you how at seperate consulting and training price.
Item #2 Your Own local tutoring site
Similar to let's say but hosted on sub-domain on our servers.
You can either have your tutors shown on your site or not. Depends on which type of educational advanced marketing weapon pie slice you buy. Some agencies may already have their own tutor listing site and do not need it (as shown in Item #3 although we highly doubt that it would be anywhere remotely near to the functionality that our site provides), and some don't and do need it (our advisable recommendation that is if you want to stick out like a thumb in comparison to your competitors), this is why we create different slices of solution, depending on which slices of solution tutoring agency decides to get.
Note as you expand your local edu network, more and more sites can be requested to be built (seperate price for each site) using framework that you mostly will get breifly familiar with after our training (that is of course if you buy our study guide and voice recordings and 1 on 1 training for maximiumu learning effectiviness)(for super solution we recommend all 5 items)
Pricing depends on the number of subjects you want your local tutoring site to have, number of websites you want, number of graphics you want or do not want done for your company, or animated videos, number of articles, whether articles are written by us or by you, and depends on what type of membership you chose, premium basic, advanced or super.
Note some of these items included in the price depending on which type of membership you chose.For types of membership pricing contact us by visiting
Item #3 Placement of your Tutors on
Example of Breakdancing Tutors in CT (except in your case it will show your agency logo) associated with your tutor profiles. Another example of Algebra Tutors in CT (notice how you see both tutors and study guides, your tutors would show up similarly along with our study guides in your city and state and your local search radius for the tutoring subject your company specializes in)
Pricing depends on how many tutors you want to have registered on Request pricing by vising We offer 2 types of pricing for this,
We charge agency recurring fee from every lesson your tutor teaches (as part of our yearly membership cloud pricing), in such case price per tutor yearly fee is lowered.
What if I do not like idea of paying for each lesson
(once again you are turning on factor of GREED, remember initially if you have GREED factor in you... and want things FREE this is not the place to get it... if you want to increase your chances of getting client leads continue reading)
If you do not like the idea of sharing revenue from every lesson being tutored by your tutors listed on, then you can have your tutors shown on our sister site instead, but would not have functionality and granularity to differentiate your tutors as much as you would have on, but would only pay per tutor listing and up to 3 subjects that tutor can register (without having to pay any recurring Tutoring Services, LLC fees from each lesson).
However if you do chose to show your tutors on then the good news is you would not be be paying recurring agency fee from every session (but then again you would not have integration of yout tutors on your local tutoring site as described in Item #2... where your tutors would show up on your local tutoring site in your local geographical region... the peace of the puzzle that makes you stand out,
Note your tutors would not be able to declare tutoring discount packages, you would not be able to present tutors in most differentiated shape and form in front of parents,students, and clients,
you would not be strategized by our company to help you more and you would be on your own, paying yearly tutor fee and wondering if it makes sense or does not in your case, in either case we provide both options).
However sharing revenue from each session with Tutoring Services, LLC can be better model for some companies who are not as strategized, we recommend agencies who do not have much experience in Information Technology, IT Security, Marketing, Project Management and Business development to share revenue with us from every match simply because you will give Tutoring Services, LLC more incentive to help you more than others. This means higher chances of getting more student leads and making money for your agency.
Note if greed is a major factor for you anyway, then consider purchasing our #1 plan for marketing your tutoring business study guide book to see how you can help your self increase student leads, obviously it will not have any of our cloud solutions for you in the study guide that can help you with your tutoring business, but it will help you learn how to market your agency and increase student leads.
It's all about quality vs quantity. If you want what's quality you have to pay recurring fee and forget about the greed factor, having your tutors differentiate is quality that can help you convert higher students. Plus you get to have item #1 if you do chose recurring agency fee price from every session.
Item #1 is TutorTracker... app that you can distribute to tutors so tracking can be made easy, we would not charge you any integration fees or training service fees, or application fees. You simply would pay per each tutor that uses the app. (seperate fee that is outside of our control)
Tutor Tracker is only 1 part of the puzzle tailored towards tutor,another part of the puzzle is making centralized view for the agency to view tutor hours and time spent, students, calendars etc, we would obviously provide recommendations for that as well and provide training for you as well (at seperate price)
If recurring price for each session is chosen we will strategize our pricing to fit your business need.
Item #4 Placement of your Agency profile on
Your agency profile page similarly like any other tutor profile would be shown on This way students can search for subject on and find your agency in your area, then navigate to your custom created Tutoring Agency site on[Your-Company-Name] that lists your local tutoring agency sub-domain site(s) in your local edu network as described in item #2.
Other info will also be shown on[Your-Company-Name] such as your company's logo, your your company was founded, pictures of your staff or any other details, and even google map that takes user directly to eagle eye searchable view of your tutors linked to their tutoring profile (for better example to see how eagle eye view looks like from google map visit this breakdancing tutors link section)
Item #5 Placement of your Ads on Network of sites.
Confused by this item? Don't be, it's the number 1 enemy in tutoring business, the enemy of not being able to find relevant sites where your article can be posted. Luckily with our service you do not have to worry about spending fortunate on your ads as it is the case with many other companies. We place your ads on our network of educational sites. We do the posts in the form of regular blog posts, written by you or by us,on 1 edu blog site or multiple edu blog sites.
What are examples of some Edu blog sites?
Homework Help Marketing
Take a look here see this
This is homework help related site, where there is Homework there is students. Placing an article relevant to your location on this site can attract students looking for homework help in your geographical region. Site is moderately aged and has many inbound links from many other educational sites. Links would be pointed back to[Your-Company-Name]
What so special about Homework help site?
The site is aged, and any time new article is added many other local tuotring sites are updated with RSS feeds pointing back to it.
Study Guide Marketing
Take a look here see this
This is study guide site that is tailored towards students preparing for standardized tests, having your local tutoring company in relevant section of this site can help attract students. Although it's not designed for local tutoring companies and mostly for online, it still is a good site to have your educational product or your agency shown in specific exam or subject relevant to your company. Links would be pointed back to[Your-Company-Name]
What is so special about Study Guide site?
One Great speciality about this site is that any study guide that is added on there or any type of educational resource, it automatically shows up on multiple local tutoring sites with inbound link, i.e linking is created automatically, while providing value to students. This site also has great content and good reviews and has good traffic.
Note: We are not just an SEO company (SEO companies are useless), we are not here to sell you links, we don't do that. We give you membership to our cloud solution, where you can chose and pick to see whether you want to have the posts done on this site or not. We have different pricing for each site.
Math Homework Help Marketing
Take a look here see this
Great site to have your posts shown related to math, almost every tutoring company offers math as the subject. Hence having post on that site pointed towards your tutoring agency site[Your-Company-Name]
What about Social Media sites?
Take a look here see this
Take a look here
As part of our cloud service you will have access
What other sites do we offer to have a post on as part of this service?
We also have blog sites for test prep, local tutoring, online tutoring, subject sites, exam sites tutoring ads and tutoriong and teacher jobs sites and other blog sites.
Do I have to provide content or Tutoring Services, LLC will create post content?
As part of the Item #5 we offer content writing, content formating, beautification, and posting all as part of seperate price bundle. If you want to get article written by us it would be seperate price on top of the yearly membership. If you want to get article beautified by us, well formatted and have graphics added with video that's another price seperate from yearly membership for advanced marketing weapons.
How do I get this cloud solution for my local tutoring company?
Email us and tell us
Your Goal <--- what are you trying to achieve....
Example1: I want to dominate my local area and increase student leads.
Example2: I want to have my tutors listed uniquely so i can stand up to global competitors.
Example3: I want some marketing posts relevent to the subject I specialize in.
Example4. I want TutorTracker app and learn how to use and customize it per my business need.
Example5. I want to list my agency tutoring profile on and on other network of your educational sites to help me drive student leads.
Example6. I am ok to pay agency recurring fee for each lesson my tutor who is registered on teaches in exchange for having to pay smaller tutor yearly placement fee on and in exchange for having Tutoring Services, LLC company help my company strategize my local tutoring business in the right path.
Example7. I am too greedy i do not want to pay any recurring agency fee, i wil spend thousands of dollars creating my own tutor listing portal with questionable outcome, but will need you Tutoring Services, LLC to help me market my tutors.
Example8. I am not sure what I need, please help.
Example9. I need help deciphering demand in market in my local area and understand what subjects I need to concentrate in.
Example 10. I need help creating some custom app that is for both IPAD and Android that makes sense for my business.
Example 11. I am confused how to track students and payments and do background checks, please help.
Example 12. I am not sure who to ask for help if I am not available in front of the computer to respond to student inquiry.
Example 14. I am not entirely sure how to count all of my hours tutors spent.
Example 15. I am not sure how to schedule tutors, how to track them.
Other information we will need is...
Your location where you want to dominate your local area.
Your Agency Name
Your phone number
Your Email
Number of Tutors You currently manage
Your Budget $500-$1000, $1,000-$5,000, $5,000-$25,000, $25,000-$100,000
If your budget is no money and you just starting out we encourage you to first read our book before you dive into this business.
We realize that local tutoring companies do not have big budget, and either doing this as part of their hobby or simply couldn't figure out a way how to put all the pieces together and struggling, which is precisely the reason why we created advanced educational marketing weapons for such companies to let them pay as they go based on the type of membership they chose, whether it's basic, advanced or super.
Each Item number that was discussed here is a a marketing weapon, it's up to you how you use it. You can either get help from Tutoring Services, LLC and guide you in using these weapons with the help of our training sold seperatelyor do so on your own, waist a lot of time and end up losing money attempting to reinvent the wheel, when the wheel was already created.
Think of our guidance as going to the shooting range where you have an instructor teaching you how to shoot. Think of it as picking up a gun and pointing it at your competitor and you simply pulling the trigger as you executing our guided advanced marketing and business educational solutions.
Think of our company as the company that equips you with weapons, that can help you destroy your competition, and help you stay awake in your local markets and help you bring local jobs back, where money goes to not just some big greedy tutoring companies, but to your local tutoring agency and economy is kept within the local markets.
Each item that was described in the list is essentially solution for your business, each solution has price, there is multiple ways to deliver each solution.
Depending on how deep you want to dive into this is going to determine you price. This is created specifically to hold you back from over-spending and knowing your boundaries and limits.
This is what will help you drive your local tutoring business, knowing such boundaries and having strategic metric to rely upon will be the key of running it successfully. That metric is your sense of running your business in such a way that makes sense. Note do not try to adjust our pricing to your business, adjust your business to your goal.
The only way it will make sense if you start out with concrete facts for how much everything costs and how does that help you. Therefore request the pricing by sending us email and letting know what you which part of advanced marketing weapon cloud solution you would like, or if you want to purchase multiple slices of this solution, tell us which item # you are mostly interested in and we can send you the price specifically for such item.
Note what we recommend is all 5 items, based on recurring agency fee model from each sesion your tutor teaches, where we charge your agency for each match, but work with you to strategize your business in the direction of success.
However if you look at how much everything costs, you may never realize your dream, you must look beyond costs as factors, at other things such as passion and ability to recognize what's right and what's wrong. Find out how to become local tutoring agency super hero and attract customers by visiting this link.
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