TExES Mathematics 115 Grade 4-8 Elementary | Middle School Cert Test Prep
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Studying for your Elementary/Middle School TEXES exam? Learn how to improve your test Math score with tips, practice questions and detailed review learning resources for Educators seeking Grade 4-8 level certification.
Studying for your teacher certification exam doesn't have to be difficult any more with the help of Tutoring Services, LLC test preparation resources. If you are planning to teach math in Texas Elementary or middle school, then the chances are you will need to take TEXES 115 Math exam for Grade level exam.
Discover methods for tackling your TEXES Math Exam and improve your score.
Find out Magic methods for how to prepare for this exam with flying colors. Trying to get certified to teach little kids math, fractions, and percentages doesn't have to be difficult providing that of course you know your math subject matter expertise your self. Note some kids require special attention and not fast math learners.
Understanding the core subject matter is essential for any educator seeking to get certified regardless, if it's for the test such as TExES 115 or any other test for that matter.
Become Certified Teacher & educate kids Math in elementary and middle school
To become certified teacher there are general requirements that you must full fill which require you finishing school undergraduate program and satisfying other criteria. Taking this exam and getting certified is just a tip of the iceberg. However passing this exam with the appropriate score that will allow you to get certified is essential.
Consider Preparing for your Math exam with highest level of learning effectivness
On this site we have compiled several study guides and test preparation materials. Consider reviewing for your exam with test preparation materials, such as flash cards, exam secrets and other recommended learning resources for maximum learning effectiviness. Further down below we will share what concepts you need to know for this exam, but first let me tell you the story about my success as the math teacher.
Rome Wells Story of becoming a math teacher.
Hi, this story is about me Rome Wells and my journey about becoming certified math teacher. First of all I want to congratulate you in taking this long journey in achieving such an amazing dream of becoming a math teacher.
Texas is a big state, and there are lots of big roads (much bigger roads than let's say in CT state) and lots of great activities, however to enjoy majority of these activities, live in a nice house and sleep well without having to to worry about your finances takes a lot of courage, and a lot of passion. It's also a good idea to have a goal in mind. Goal that can help you put bread and butter on your table and feed you and your family.
My story of becoming a certified math teacher for the state of CT was something that I had to do not because I wanted to major in math, but because out of fear. Yet that fear helped me to become who I am today.
How to realize your dream of becoming a teacher
Goal that can help you realize your dreams, or perhaps goal that you may not be aware of your self and sort of considering teaching degree, but not really sure if it's right thing for you.
Well let me tell you something honestly, from the bottom of my heart, from my perspective and my angle and what I think about math and what i think about teaching, and why I think it's important for you future elementary math teacher grade 4-8 level realize your own goals, and whether or not you truly want to be a teacher.
What Rome Wells thinks about teaching and why what I think matters to you
Here is what I think about teaching. First of all teaching is great, but it's not for me, teaching is amazing, but it is for me under certain circumtances and under certain conditions, teaching is rewarding only if you are seeing your rewards paid off, teaching is inspiring only if you gain that level of inspiration from students who truly reflect upon your efforts.
Now let me tell you my story. My story is simple, I am Rome Wells, here is my profile tutoring profile and it shows my teaching certificate in mathematics.
Although I do not live in Texas, I do knjow about TExES 115 exam, and I do know that to pass this exam you need to know your math concepts, I also know that you are in the stage of your journey where you may like the idea of teaching kids and think it's easy.
Is Math teaching truly right for you?
I also know that possibly you are thinking on the back of your mind that perhaps you are not sure if teaching is right for you, perhaps you are thinking that is the only thing you can do, or perhaps you are thinking that you simply do not know what else is there better to do than to teach.
I realize that, I understand that the decision of becoming a teacher and taking this exam is just one of the obsticles along your academic and career path. I also realize that you are possibly in the stage of confusion and I realize that perhaps you are thinking teaching is not right for me, but I need to do something... and i may as well have that something to be... in elementary math teaching.....
I realize... this is what you are thinking possibly on the back of your mind. I understand it. I am not here to brain wash your or tell you la la byes, instead i am here to help you future educator transition into the cruel world of education.
The reality about working in the field of education
The reality is, education is the degree that does not pay well at least in the educational industry type of job role in comparison to financial industies or even hot scilicon valley type of job roles in tech, the reality is, only if you truly enjoy what you do you can succeed, the reality is if you truly enjoy working with kids and teaching them math in class room settings and not afraid of stress and embrace it then you will never feel like you are at work.
However, don't be fooled, by the reailty that others have created and bestowed upon you, do not be fooled, by the catchy marketing phrases spread across the internet luring you to becoming teacher, do not be fooled in going towards the path which you have not realized or reflected upon your self.
What you may think is true about math career may only be the tip of the iceberg
Do not be fooled by the existence of reality that surrounds you, do not be fooled by the fact that others are better than you, do not be fooled that you can only do elementary education in math if your degree was in education and you have no foundation for any other career.
I realize you are concerned, you want someone like Rome Wells to show you the right path, the path towards success, the path towards freedom, the path towards prosperity the path to happiness. I realize you are possibly scared of this TExES 115 Grade 4-8 exam and I realize that you are thinking about taking it and moving on with your life and following the dream.
However I encourage you to think about your reality, listen to Katy Perry song chained to the rhythm and think about yourself from another angle, place your self in the shoes of anohter person, take your self and ask your self why you want to be a math teacher and why do you want to work for the state of Texas? Ask your self, is it truly you?
Do not make mistake others make
Now you may say wow, this is such a deep speech, it's so passionate it's soo inner... it's so... real.... The reason why i am telling you this is because I do not want you to make mistake, that other people make when they going to the field of teaching and becoming math teacher simply because they went to university received college degree in psychology or not so relevent degree to anything else and decided to fade themselves away with what's closest and most realistic.
I understand that, but I also understand the concept of destiny, I also understand the concept of inner soul, and I understand that there is 2 of you, your inner you and your outter you.
Your outter you is someone who is making decisions, based on the logics of the brain, and your inner you is something that guides you along the path, it's something that is within you, without even you realizing, or perhaps you sort of realizing it but no one really telling you about your inner you.
Rely on your inner you to guide you
Your inner you, can either be, teacher, creator or healer. Perhaps in previous life you were a healer, or perhaps creator or perhaps a teacher in one shape or form, and perhaps you do not even realize it.
What I want you to do is to tap into your inner you and ask this question of whether you trully want to be a math teacher. The best way to do that is to take a break, go to Hawaii enjoy the nature, and join one of the sound and relaxation centers, talk to the people in Hawaii and come back to Texas to rethink whether or no you truly want to be the math teacher.
Before taking TExES 115 math exam
I want you to do that, before you take that test, because after going to Hawaii, and attempting to discover your self, you may come up with a completely opposition conclusion of what you are aiming for. This is precisely what happenend with me Rome Wells, when I traveled to Hawaii, in what so called a small island of Maui.
Where I stayed in one of the house guests using airbnb and met an incredible yogi, who explained to me concepts of life and it made such a profound effect that my entire life turned 180 degrees in opposite direction in relationship and in regards to everything I was doing before. What I learn on that island is the meaning of life, and what I learnt has helped me opene up my eyes, and see who I truly am.
The realization that can help you open up your inner self
The realization that helped me open up my destiny, the realization that everything in life what I was doing was simply completely against my inner me, and what i learnt is how to tap into my own destiny and my inner me and realized something that math is more than numbers, instead it's a universal code that is pre-programmed within our habitat within our thoughts, within our presence within our daily lives. Understanding this code from another perspective, from the standpoint of science and how it relates to my inner me is exactly what I discovered in Maui.
Connecting with nature is the key to opening your inner self
When i went to Maui, I met one of Yogi from national geographic channel by pure accident and another yogi while staying as the guest in on of the houses using airbnb. When i went to Hawaii, I was so connected with the nature and realization of who I am that when I got back from Hawaii to Connecticut, my entire concept of living flipped upside down.
I realized that to reach that level of upside down state and tap into your inner self, you simply need to go with the flow, but still have relevant levels of planning in the mix of your journey, whichever journey it maybe. Whether it's an academic journey or career journey in becoming elementary or middle or even high school teacher or doing something completely random such as selling yougurt or opening up your own bike shop.
What is the bottom line before becoming a math teacher?
The bottom line is what i need you to do is to tap in your inner your first before becoming a teacher, it's either going to be the greatest thing you have done in your life.. and you will thank me later... your inner you may either agree with you and your path, that you have chosen or guide you in the different direction.
For example if in previous life you were IT Engineer, then perhaps you were a creator in your previous life and your inner you may take you in the path of for example joining IT field and making more money than in teaching.
What if the bottom line is for you to become someone else instead?
Or perhaps, joining field of accountants or project managers or information security professionals or something trade oriented, or selling stuff on amazon or perhaps running your own boutique store. Or perhaps your mind is really in the business world or perhaps in military world and you do not even realize it.
View other exams Rome Wells advocates and helps students prepare for here for project management, for business, for medical, for information technology, for military, for nursing. Education is not the only field where you can strive forward academically remember that.
Is education field really for you?
Although yes, education is a nice field, you do get to have vacation in summer, and can tutor part time after school often making more money than in other professions, but that strictly depends on the area you are in. CT NY and NJ are the hot areas to be in avg hourly tutoring rate is higher there for math teachers, however grade 4 through 8 teachers often get paid less than high school level teachers or college, hence picking an extra cert for higher grade level doesn't hurt.
In either case I Rome Wells, teach not just math, but teach, spirituality, business, coding, information technology, marketing, cyber security and hacking, IT consulting, project management and pretty much anything that exists on this planet earth (or at least most of it).
Now you may say how is that possible? The answer is anything is possible if you put your mind to it, and being in multiple places across multiple industries not just education is also possible, but to remember don't spread your self thin or else.... you may end up being way 2 general and end up not needed anywhere.
Picking core specialization matters
Hence always pick core specilization and core area of expertise. Good news is..... with math as degree and solid business analytical skills..... you can never go wrong....
Anyway here is the link to learn more about me if interested, see how I created training college from scratch, see how i fight cyber crime, see how i help students to become accountants, doctors, lawyers, professors, educators, teachers, IT engineers, CIOs, spirtiual leaders and beyond, all by relating it back to concepts of math. Hopefully this motivates you well enough to continue studying and getting certified in your TExES 115 exam (but only if your inner you tells you so)
Enough about me Rome Wells here is some tips for you, helping you better prepare for this exam
Ok enough about me after all you are here to learn and prepare for this exam, the best way possible. Here are some tips to prepare for exam best way possible.
- Study from multiple resources
- Get help from a tutor (especially if you stuck, you will be surprised how much of a difference it makes to have someone face to face help you)
- Ask your self constantly questions not about math problems and their solutions, but about their actual purpose and try to relate each question to real world example
Get the Math Exam test prep help you need to be successful on your 115 Exam
The Number Concepts section covers:- Kinds of numbers
- Rational expressions
- Inequalities
- Hyperbola
The Patterns and Algebra section covers:
- Properties of functions
- Quadratic function
- Algebraic and transcendental functions
The Geometry and Measurement section covers:
- Perpendicular and angle bisectors
- Quadrilaterals, parallelograms, and trapezoids
- Area and perimeters of polygons
The Probability and Statistics section covers:
- Charts and tables
- Range
- Experimental studies
- Discrete math
The Mathematical Processes and Perspectives section covers:
- Influence of parental education
- Reporting abuse
- Gifted children
- Parental involvement
- Nonverbal communication
The Mathematical Learning, Instruction and Assessment section covers:
- Prior knowledge
- Critical thinking
- Cooperative learning
- Curriculum
Can't seem to pass your Elementary/Middle School Math TEXES 115 Exam
Often when you can't pass something it's a good idea to ask for help. Why not get get help from a local or online TExES math tutor who can help you prepare for your math grade 7 12 exam.
Search for local tutors in Texas. The best part about our (www.TutoringServices.com) sister site is that tutors can provide first Trial lesson for only $15, with no agency comission, making it possible for you to get affordable math, science, english or other type of academic subject expert at the convinience of your own home! Searching for local tutor is easy simply visit site below and search for your local tutor.
Local Private Math Tutoring Services in TEXAS from other Educators and Tutors
Our local math tutors do not get charged, tutoring agency fee, and therefore can offer the best prices! Preparing for your exam is easier then ever with the help and guidance from a professional mathematics subject matter expert. Find your math content knowledge expert today and prepare for your exam with confidence.
Study Tip for maximum learning effectiviness
Note (study for your TExES exam with both tutor and study guides listed on this site for maximum learning effectiviness.)
Want to get rewarded for becoming certified teacher?
After passing your Exam and becoming certified teacher be sure to visit our sister site www.TutoringServices.com to register as a local elementary or middle school math independent tutor, on this site you can register FREE of charge and offer your tutoring services for Texas School parents who have grade 4-8 children who specifically need help in math subject.
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