Detailed Introduction to Educational Psychology CLEP Learning Tool Description

Introduction to Educational Psychology CLEP Test Study Guide - Part 2

Our CLEP study guides are different! Our three part series – Introduction to Educational Psychology CLEP study guide - TEACHES you what you need to know to pass the test. We have more than just pages of sample test questions. Our easy to understand study guide will TEACH you the information. We've condensed what you need to know into a manageable book - one that will leave you completely prepared to tackle the test. This study guide includes sample test questions that will test your knowledge and understanding of the information presented.

This study guide, part two of three will cover the following topics:

D1: Adolescence
D2: Cognitive Development
D3: Gender Identity/Sex Roles
D4: Language Acquisition
D5: Mental Health
D6: Moral Development
D7: School Readiness
D8: Social Development
D9: Learning Theories
D10: Memory
D11: Measuring Intelligence
D12: Convergent Thinking
E1: Achievement Motivation - Anxiety/Stress
E2: Locus of Control/Attribution Theory; Learned Helplessness, Intrinsic Motivation
E3: Theories of Motivation
Individual Differences
F1: Aptitude/Achievement
F2: Creativity
F3: Cultural Influences
F4: Exceptionalities in Learning: Giftedness, Physical Handicaps, Behavior Disorders
F5: Intelligence
F6: Nature vs. Nurture
F7: Reading Ability
Sample Test Questions
There’s More To Come
Test Taking Strategies
What Your Score Means
Test Preparation

Start passing your CLEP test today! Get started studying and download part two now!